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Values, Vision, and Leadership at ShiftControl

Executive Insights with Daniel Gericke

Jackee Wong

Jackee Wong

Keery International

Jul 17, 2024

Daniel Gericke, co-founder of ShiftControl and cybersecurity expert
Daniel Gericke, co-founder of ShiftControl and cybersecurity expert

Meet Daniel Gericke, the driving force behind ShiftControl. In this candid conversation with Jackee of Keery International, Gericke opens up about his journey from military service to tech leadership, and how these experiences shape his vision for democratizing digital security. With ShiftControl, he's on a mission to break down the barriers that often keep robust cybersecurity and easy to use IT & Saas Management out of reach for smaller companies. Gericke's no-nonsense approach and wealth of experience offer a fresh perspective on an industry often shrouded in complexity. Join us as we dive into the mind of this entrepreneur, exploring the values, challenges, and ambitions driving both Gericke and ShiftControl forward in their quest to level the playing field in digital protection.

Core Values and Mission

Jackee: Welcome Daniel, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. Let's start by discussing your core values that shape your decisions and actions at ShiftControl. What would you say are your core values?

Daniel Gericke: At ShiftControl, our core values are trust, accessibility, innovation, and empowerment. We believe in providing robust security solutions to small businesses without locking essential features behind expensive paywalls. Our goal is to make high-level digital protection and IT management accessible to everyone, ensuring that every business, regardless of size, can operate securely and efficiently. Ultimately, we are driven by a commitment to helping people and making a positive impact in the digital landscape.

Unique Strengths and Experience

Jackee: That's great to hear. What unique strengths do you bring to ShiftControl that differentiate you from your peers in the industry?

Daniel Gericke: I bring a wealth of experience in cybersecurity, IT management, and software development that spans over 25 years. This background provides me with a holistic view of how different aspects of technology and security interconnect. I’ve had the privilege of working in various roles, from military service to managing global networks and building security platforms. These experiences have equipped me with a strong ability to see the big picture and effectively address complex challenges. Additionally, I’ve developed a leadership style that emphasizes collaboration and driving projects to completion, which I believe is essential for guiding a successful team and company.

Privacy and Security Focus

Jackee: Privacy and security are clearly passions of yours. How do you incorporate those values into ShiftControl's mission and personal brand?

Daniel Gericke: Our mission at ShiftControl is to provide small businesses with access to the same security features that enterprises enjoy for their SaaS services, while also making it accessible for non-technical people to manage and configure their organizational security. Security should be a basic right, not locked behind expensive subscriptions or upgrades. On a personal level, I care deeply about privacy, and plan to continue advocating for consumers even after building ShiftControl. While my current focus is on protecting small companies, there are many related issues I’m passionate about for the future.

Jackee: Who specifically do you see as your target customers and how do you want them to perceive your personal brand?

Daniel Gericke: We aim to provide founders and CEOs with an affordable way to gain enterprise-level protections and take control of their SaaS services. This includes understanding their costs, and automatically provisioning and deprovisioning users, all while making it accessible for non-technical people to manage and configure their organizational security. We’re most likely to engage with founders and CEOs because smaller companies are less likely to have dedicated IT teams, CIOs, or CISOs.

On a personal level, I aim to connect with other business leaders as a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource. I want to be seen as someone whose insights are worth listening to. My diverse experience in cybersecurity, IT management, software development, and operations has given me a comprehensive understanding of the challenges businesses of all sizes face, and I am committed to helping them navigate these complexities with confidence.

Jackee: You’ve mentioned that security should be a basic right. Can you elaborate on why you think it’s problematic for large companies to charge small businesses for essential security features?

Daniel Gericke: Absolutely. I believe it is both crazy and irresponsible for large companies to charge small businesses for fundamental security features like audit logs, single sign-on, and user synchronization. These are not luxury features; they are essential for maintaining a secure environment. While smaller SaaS companies might struggle to offer these at lower tiers, billion-dollar companies like Atlassian, Figma, and Miro have no excuse. By making these features inaccessible to smaller businesses, they are significantly lowering overall security standards, which ultimately impacts everyone, including larger companies within the supply chain.

Jackee: How do you see this issue affecting the broader security landscape, especially for larger enterprises?

Daniel Gericke: The impact is substantial. When small businesses are unable to afford basic security features, they become the weak links in the larger ecosystem. Many of these small businesses are part of the supply chains for bigger enterprises, so their vulnerabilities can be exploited to reach larger targets. By not providing essential security features at a reasonable price, large companies are not just putting small businesses at risk but also their own security. It’s a short-sighted approach that undermines the integrity of the entire digital landscape.

Jackee: What do you propose as a solution to make these essential security features more accessible?

Daniel Gericke: We need a shift in how we approach pricing for security features. Companies like Google Workspace and AWS already set a great example by offering essential security tools without additional costs. This should become the industry standard. For larger companies with significant resources, there’s no justification for charging extra for basic security features. We should advocate for a model where these tools are included at all pricing tiers. Additionally, there could be industry collaborations or subsidies to help smaller SaaS providers offer these features affordably. This way, we ensure that all businesses, regardless of size, have access to the security they need to protect themselves and the broader ecosystem.

Jackee: You clearly have an impressive background. What would you say are some of your top professional accomplishments and skills that are relevant in this industry?

Daniel Gericke: Some key accomplishments include being CTO, CIO and COO of ExpressVPN, a company that sold for $1 billion. I also have extensive cybersecurity experience, specializing in both offensive and defensive cyber operations, including skills like red teaming and security engineering. My IT management experience spans roles at various companies, where I’ve been responsible for overseeing complex global networks and ensuring robust security protocols.

Additionally, I have a strong background in software development from building platforms and leading engineering teams. My career began in the US Marine Corps, where I developed crucial leadership skills that have shaped my personality and professional path. I’ve held significant leadership roles since early in my career, starting with my expatriate experience working for Lockheed Martin. Being one of the few people in an overseas post meant taking on diverse responsibilities and representing the company, which honed my ability to lead and adapt in challenging environments. These experiences have equipped me with a unique skill set that is directly applicable to ShiftControl.

Jackee: What unique perspectives or insights can you offer the cybersecurity industry based on your diverse background?

Daniel Gericke: My diverse background affords me a unique perspective in the cybersecurity industry. Given my offensive and defensive security experience, I have a comprehensive understanding of the tactics and strategies used by both attackers and defenders. This dual experience allows me to anticipate threats and devise effective countermeasures.

Additionally, my work with highly classified government capabilities has provided me with a deep understanding of nation-state level capabilities and advanced threat landscapes. This insight is invaluable in developing robust security solutions that can withstand sophisticated adversaries.

Furthermore, leading a company through significant growth and a successful acquisition has given me a well-rounded business acumen that many founders lack. This experience enables me to avoid common startup pitfalls and steer ShiftControl towards sustainable success. At ShiftControl, we combine cutting-edge security features with practical, user-friendly solutions, informed by my extensive and varied experience in the field.

Jackee: Can you tell us about your recent beta launch and the feedback you’ve received?

Daniel Gericke: We recently launched our beta program in June, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. We’re getting great feedback from our users, which is invaluable as we refine our product. Our customers appreciate the accessibility and effectiveness of our security solutions. Listening to their feedback helps us build features they actually need and want, which is a core part of our development process.

Jackee: Finally, what are your short and long-term professional goals for yourself and ShiftControl?

Daniel Gericke: In the short-term, I want to continue honing my skills in the Rust programming language, which we use as the core language for our backend systems because security is paramount to us. While I will always stay connected to the technical aspects and build when necessary, my aim is to increasingly focus on strategic initiatives that can drive higher value for the company.

Long-term, I aspire to gain board experience. I’m already an Accredited Director in Singapore, but finding board opportunities can be challenging due to their limited availability. For ShiftControl, my vision is to grow the business to a point where we can truly disrupt the industry and set new standards for accessible, enterprise-level security and IT management for small businesses.

Jackee: Thank you for your time today Daniel. To wrap up, what three words do you want people to associate with your personal brand?

Daniel Gericke: The three words I want people to associate with me and my personal brand are expertise, integrity and dependability.

Jackee: Thanks again for the insightful discussion. Best of luck with ShiftControl and your future goals!

Daniel Gericke: Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about me and what we're building at ShiftControl.

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Experience SaaS management as it should be: straightforward management and robust security with ShiftControl.

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Experience SaaS management as it should be: straightforward management and robust security with ShiftControl.

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Experience SaaS management as it should be: straightforward management and robust security with ShiftControl.